Saturday, February 27, 2016

Weekly Highlights

Good morning!   I hope everyone enjoys the nice weather that is expected this weekend!  I just wanted to touch base with everyone about this upcoming school week.  On Monday, we will finish our practice ISTEP tests.  We will then have the actual ISTEP test on Tuesday-Friday.  On Monday, the students will be assessed on natural resources.  They may use any notes that they have taken about the topic.  Since we missed the end of the week, I will give the students an extra day to finish their weekly math.  I know that some students leave this at school, so I don't want to penalize them if they were unable to finish it, due to the cancellation of school.  This will be due on Tuesday.  There is a copy on Edmodo, if they want to work on it this weekend.  Lastly, we will be starting a chapter in math on division and a new concept in science this week.  Please let me know if you have any questions!

Friday, February 26, 2016


Our ISTEP testing schedule will change a little bit.  We will have a practice test on Monday and then have the actual ISTEP test beginning on Tuesday and concluding on Friday.  Please make sure your child gets a good night's sleep and eats a health breakfast.  Hope everyone enjoys the weekend!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

February 23, 2016

Good morning!  Hope everyone enjoyed the nice weather we had this past weekend!  Here are some highlights for this week and next week:

Science:  Tomorrow, students will be assessed on natural resources.  They will need to tell me what they know about natural resources.  Some information might include:  What are they?  How do we use them?  What if we use them too quickly?  How can we conserve them?

Math:  We took a test yesterday on chapter 7 and most of my class did awesome!  :)  This week, we will be reviewing various concepts.  We will then begin chapter 8 on division.

ISTEP practice is this week and the actual ISTEP test will be next week.  We will be testing Monday-Thursday next week.  Please make sure your child gets plenty of sleep and eats a healthy breakfast.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

This week

This has been a very busy week!  The students are working on group projects about alternative forms of energy.  I have extended the deadline to Monday.  The groups have some really great projects started!  I am excited to see their final presentations.

Along with the group project, each student needs to write a compare/contrast essay about alternative energy.  Many students have turned this in early, but did not follow the rubric.  I emphasized to the students today to refer to the rubric when writing their essays.  Many have chosen to work more on this paper.  The rubric is a green paper and it is also posted online.

We will have a math test over Chapter 6 tomorrow.

Literacy Centers (Word Work and Reading Response) are due on Monday.