Monday, January 11, 2016

January 11-15, 2016

Some important information for this week....

Summarize It! is due on Wednesday.  Students will need to read a nonfiction article and a fiction article and fill out a summary form for each story.

For writing, we are working on a compare/contrast essay dealing with two desserts.  The second rough draft was due today.  I edited these and gave them back to the students.  They will need to make changes and write a third rough draft.  This draft is due on Wednesday.

In math, we will be taking a test over measurement (chapter 11) on Thursday.  Please review how to read a ruler, conversions, area and perimeter.

In science, we will continue discussing force and motion.

There are some tricky IXL lessons that will be due this week.  Students have known about these IXL lessons from the beginning of this chapter.  If your child is having trouble at home with any of these, they may come in to school early on Tuesday or Thursday morning for some extra help.  They may get here at 7:40 and come into my classroom.

Report cards were posted on Friday.  Please let me know if you are having trouble viewing them.

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